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Join the Sokokis Lake Association

photo courtesy of Shared Perspectives Photography


The Sokokis Lake Association was founded in 1956 to serve the needs of the property owners and those who use Sokokis Lake.  According to the Town office/public record, there are 201 waterfront properties on the lake.

What is the purpose of the Sokokis Lake Association?

The Association manages:

  • – Lake water quality, by regular testing
    • (recorded at Lake Stewards of Maine website)
  • – Lake water clarity, by regular testing
    • (recorded at Lake Stewards of Maine website)
  • – Dam maintenance and repair, by working with State authorities such as the DEP, DOT, MDIFW
  • – Monitoring and maintaining proper lake water levels
  • – Invasive plant species surveys and Courtesy Boat Inspections, to ensure invasives are not introduced
    • (working with LSM, LEA, YCIASP, DEP)
  • – Water hazard and no-wake zone markers
    • (purchased as a partner with the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry)
  • – Lake Safety
  • – User Education (via website, mailings, contacts, workshops)
  • – Supporting lake community events
    • such as Ski Team, boat parade, cornhole and horseshoe tournaments, canoe race
The lake’s community events pay for themselves, and are therefore not funded by the Association.  Additional state and local monies are raised through grants to help support the Courtesy Boat Inspection effort, but it is not fully funded. 
Our programs are funded through annual dues of $75 per cottage per year.  Dues can be paid to Sokokis Lake Association.  Click here for form and where to send payment.



Send stories and pictures to sokokislakeassociation@gmail.com and we will work on getting them posted!