July 8, 2023    9:00 a.m

Location:  McLean’s

Opening of 2023 Annual Meeting

Good morning happy summer. Thank you for taking time out of your week-end to participate in this year’s annual meeting.  I have some remarks prior to this year’s annual meeting.

I am so grateful to our membership who entrusted this board, with the management of our Association. It is truly an honor to work with a team of volunteers who are committed to managing and protecting our beautiful resource, Our Sokokis Lake for all to enjoy.

It was 70 years ago I first experienced the wonder of this Lake, one of the cleanest in Maine at the time, based on a study conducted by GE when picking a site for the manufacturing electric house meters.

That was then, today a very different lake, it has grown more than 50 acres in those years and as a result of natures impact the lake has received tons of natural debris to reduced the depth of the lake by many feet.

What a blessing to experience this unique social spirit, it brings sunshine to every foot of the shoreline and into the homes and hearts of everyone who shared this magical place.  As I cruise around this lake I find a similar spirit nestled in the homes and cottages with family, friends, and neighbors carrying on the unique spirit of Sokokis Lake. I wave to most every set of eyes I connect with, as I enjoy my peaceful ride but sadly, some have missed that joy of sharing.

I have witnessed so many breath-taking moments when fellow human beings, children and adults alike, experience that special moment when cheers and sounds of delight fill the air, and yet I have witnessed some members who miss the golden opportunity to support someone by showing RESPECT.  I challenge each of you to model to our diversified families of Sokokis Lake the magic that results when one receives, as well as shows, RESPECT.  If we can make someone happy just because, then we will all be blessed by those collective experiences and truly understand just how special a place Sokokis Lake truly is.

These are the times that try men’s souls. In the course of our nation’s history, the people of Boston have rallied bravely whenever the rights of men have been threatened. Today, a new crisis has arisen. The Metropolitan Transit Authority, better known as the MTA, is attempting to levy a burdensome tax on the population, in the form of a subway fare increase. Citizens, hear me out! This could happen to you.”

  1. Over 42 Maine lakes have prohibited motors on any boats
  2. Water skier injured from floating debris
  3. Over 12 Maine lakes have restricted boats to under 6hp
  4. Senior knocked off his dock from boat wake
  5. Head on collision, slowing moving boat 50 feet from shore hit by high-speed family boat
  6. Over 23 Maine Lakes have restricted boats to under 10 hp.
  7. A boat towing a tuber hit a moring 62 feet from shore throwing the rider into a dock.
  8. The Maine Supreme Court ruled May 14 2008 to Uphold Maine Law allowing Towns to Ban Personal Watercraft on lakes in their jurisdiction.

We have, as a community, created boating navigation recommendations that many follow; as a result, the warden service limits its time on our lake because of our safety record — our records have shown very few accidents on Sokokis Lake.

The purpose of this meeting is to report on the doings of our association, reports from the secretary, treasurer, committees, social events, projects and approve the operating budget for this year, plan for this summer’s events, manage the water level, maintain the dam, elect volunteer officers and directors, review issues that impact the health and safety of our lake.

It is not to discuss issues we have no control over: fireworks, rain, barking dogs, the type of flag your neighbor is displaying, the color of someone’s splash pad.

I now call to order the 2023 annual meeting of the SOKOKIS LAKE ASSOCIATION

Call to Order:  9:20


  • There were approximately 42 people in attendance.

Approval of Previous Minutes

  • Motion was made by Tom Creamer, seconded by Dottie Richards and approved unanimously; last year’s minutes approved as emailed.


  • Secretary’s Report – The Secretary explained the new website under construction and that it should be completed within the month.  She notified members that a Welcome Package has been created for new property owners, to help introduce them to the lake, boating guidelines, trash pick-up, emergency #’s, fire safety and contact information.  In addition, two laminated documents have been put together for rental properties, showing the lake map with boating guidelines, and a visitor’s guide to protecting the lakes, published by the Maine LEA.
  • Treasurer’s Report – Motion was made by Ted Baltus, and seconded by Peter Cummings, Treasurer’s Report unanimously approved as presented.
  • Budget report – Motion was made by Dottie Richards and seconded by Ted Baltus, Budget Report unanimously approved as presented.
  • Historian Report – EJ Murphy read an interesting note from the 1961 ski show plans.  He also had the flyer from that show on display, along with the 1977 yearbook.  He then spoke about Joan Harding, a long-time member of North Shore Drive who passed during the year.

Old Business

  1. Courtesy Boat Inspection – Roy advised that the current crew is working well and includes three adults. The Dough Boy/Sokokis Seafood Shack generously allowed us to place the CBI stand on their property, just over the fence and easily accessible.  We will also be able to repost the lake guidelines map there as well.
  2. Water Hazard Markers – New (replacement) marker has been purchased and installed.
  3. Cornhole Tournament 2023 – A great success and enjoyed by all. Thank you to the Cefalo’s for holding the event, and to all of those who volunteered with set-up, cooking, scorekeeping, etc.
  4. Labor Day 2022 – Missy was not available. Currently looking for volunteers to assist with the many events for 2023.
  5. Water Clarity Report – Peter Cummings advised that clarity analysis is done 5 to 7 times a year; the results are reported to the state and may be found on the LSM website.
  6. Water Quality Report – Donna Nelson was unavailable, but due to the amount and duration of rainfall, has not been able to run testing. Report will be published on the website once the weather cooperates and good readings can be obtained.
  7. Water Level – Roy reminded of the reasons and timing of drawing down the water level in the Fall and restoring in the Spring.
  8. Report on Dam Project – Dave McLean gave an overview of the Dam Committee’s work to date and the proposed plan to reface and improve control. The committee is looking for grants and other funding to help with the costs, and will also be meeting with the Town.
  9. SLA Ski Club – Calece advised that donation results from the 2022 Ski Show enabled them to purchase a new seat ski and a swivel ski for this year.
  10. Sokokis Lake Memorabilia – Alyson Irvin and Brenda Bussey displayed the new merchandise available this year, and still have some from previous years.
  11. Corporate Annual Filing – Roy advised that the filing’s have been completed/renewed.

New Business

  1. CBI 2023 – Grants from DEP and Town of Limerick were received in the amount of $6,500 to aid in continuing the program. We are seeing added volume, due in part to more kayaks being launched.  CBI inspections have been adjusted to include Friday through Thursday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, and weekdays from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.
  2. Invasive Plant Patrol – Diane advised about the brittle naiad invasive found last year, how it was removed, and surveys this year will confirm whether or not there is more. She discussed the hands-on session planned later this month for all members ages 12+, which will provide information about lake plants and how to identify invasives.  She reminded residents not to remove plants from the lake, but if any appear questionable, to ask for a marker and a patroller will investigate and identify.   The schedule for this year’s surveys is still being finalized.
  3. Labor Day 2023 – Need chair to coordinate. Events include horseshoes, canoe race, swim race, ski show and boat parade.
  4. Ski Club – Calece reported that there are 40+ members in the Ski Club this year, including 3 local members. Practices will be held Saturdays from 9:00-11:00 am.
  5. 2023 Budget – Dam Repair Project – Brenda Bussey. Motion was made by the Tom Creamer to leave open the previously approved $10,000 for dam repair, if needed.  Seconded by Calece Johnson and approved unanimously.
  6. Election of Directors

The following were elected Directors to the Sokokis Lake Association:

  • Guy Cefalo – Watson Hill Road to Robbin’s Nest, Mowbray, Emery Corner
  • Mike Farrell – Boy Scout Island, Perkins Way
  • Bonnie Bagley – East Shore Drive to Holland Pond Rd.
  • Eric Allen – East Shore Drive from Holland Pond to North Shore Drive
  • Janet Hogan – North Shore Drive from 136 to 206
  • Debbie Furlong – Carroll Lane from 15 to 93, Kane, Francis, Henry
  • Jeannie Conrad – Kelly Lane, Philpots Landing
  • Deb Sheehan – Gannon, McLean, Nonesuch, Richard’s, Charlie’s
  • Julian Reed – North Shore Drive from 31 to 134
  • Ed Murphy – Hoyt Road
  • Jason Robbins – Butler’s Lane
  • Peter Cummings – Carroll Lane from 99 to 177, Meadow, Weston

Election of Officers

The following were approved as Officers:

  • President – Roy Bagley
  • Vice President – Calece Johnson
  • Secretary – Diane Shepherd
  • Treasurer – Brenda Bussey

Additional Discussion:

  • Create a new Board position – Vice President of External Affairs, responsible for support of committee chairs, ordering trophies, liaison with members and other duties assigned by mutual agreement. Motion made by Brenda Bussey, seconded by Tom Creamer, approved unanimously.
  • Create a Committee – to review the existing By-laws and make recommendations
  • Review of laws and permits required to make any changes to any aspect within the Sokokis Lake environment, a permit is required to make any changes including add sand to your beach, removing anything natural that nature deposited, and even a tree after 24 hours in the lake.
  • Annual Dues – Motion was made by Brenda Bussey seconded Tom Creamer by to increase the annual dues to $75.00 beginning July 1, 2024; approved and accepted.

Meeting adjourned at 10:44 a.m.