Sokokis Lake Association

Message from The President

November, 2023


At our annual meeting in July 2023, we voted on approval of the Treasurer’s report that included a notice of  non-SLA funds on a $7,500 one-time project. We have had some questions about the project and this will explain the actions taken.

  • In late August 2022 a large floating mud mass appeared on the East side of the big lake, where it has appeared for many years at this time of year.
  • A few residents of the lake attempted to move the floating mud mass; apparently towards the dam to remove from the lake.
  • Over the years many mud masses have been guided to the dam and as a result the hazards were removed from boating areas.
  • Although we do not know how many attempts were made or who was involved, over a few days and a number of attempts the mud mass started to move and was pushed towards the narrows.
  • It appears that the mud mass was too large to pass through the narrows and ended up on or near the public beach.
  • Property owners in that area brought the issue to the board requesting help to resolve the problem of a decaying mud mass blocking the public beach as well as beaches and property along the East Shore of Boy Scout Island on the big lake side of the narrows.
  • As the problem was reviewed, a number of issues were considered:
    • Unlike nature moving the floating mud masses, it was moved by man.
    • The mass was interfering with the public beach and neighboring beaches from both use of and the odor.
    • In the past some of these masses were removed by heavy equipment but before the DEP was established.
    • We consulted the DEP and it was determined that there were no provisions for dealing with or removing these floating mud masses so no permits were needed
    • The association’s mission is to protect the lake and ensure the safe use of the lake for all to enjoy. This mud mass appeared to be interfering with some members and local residents use of the lake, and potentially moving into a navigational threat once again.
    • The removal of this mud mass would have a cost – estimates were significant.
  • A contractor was contacted who agreed to remove the floating mud mass, understanding no permit was needed, and estimated the cost at $7,500.
  • At the same time, the memorabilia project that had been managed by very dedicated volunteers was approved to become an SLA formal project. The project had donated significant funds to the association over many years and provided our members with products that were much enjoyed.
  • The project volunteers had made it clear the proceeds were to support the mission of the association.
  • The transition of the project included appointing a chairman and transferring the balance of the volunteer project funds to the association.
  • The transfer of the balance of the volunteer project was in excess of $8,000.
  • The idea of using these funds for the removal of the floating mud mass would allow the issue to be resolved and not impact the balance in our account nor use dues monies, knowing that funds would be needed to repair the dam.
  • A volunteer agreed to monitor the removal to ensure it was as complete as possible and the fee was appropriate to the scope of work.

The process improved Sokokis Lake, did not use dues money, and allowed funds to remain available to continue the work of the dam and water regulating system.



Meeting Minutes 2023
Dam Updates
Water Level
Lake History